Austria may very well be the heartland of European professional wrestling. Over the past 50 or so years, Austria has made contributions to the international professional wrestling scene that can’t be matched by many other Continental European countries.
From international superstars to popular and important promotions, Austria has been at the European forefront. From former AWA World Champion and founder of perhaps the most successful European professional wrestling promotion of all time, Otto Wanz, to present day with WWE NXT superstar and United Kingdom Champion, WALTER. A lively wrestling scene still exists in Austria to this day.
To get a little bit more information on the scene in Austria, we’ll be making the Hot Tag to Pro Wrestling Österreich. Pro Wrestling Österreich is an excellent site that covers the goings on of all things professional wrestling in Austria.
(Pro Wrestling Osterreich creates most of their content in German and therefore we have included the original answers from them in German for our German speaking readers)
WrestleMap: Austria was the home of quite possibly the most successful promotion to run out of Continental Europe, Catch Wrestling Association, from 1973 to 1999. What kind of effect do you think the CWA had and continues to have on pro wrestling in Austria?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: The CWA and the wrestling history that dominates it certainly has an impact on Austrian wrestling. The "catching", the name for wrestling known from the CWA times, is known to many older people. At that time the wrestling shows were still attended by thousands of visitors, spread over the event days. In some domestic leagues, terms from the times of the CWA are still used.
auf Deutsch: Die CWA und die dadurch vorherrschende Wrestlinggeschichte hat sicherlich einen Einfluss auf das österreichische Wrestling. Das „Catchen“, so die aus CWA Zeiten bekannte Bezeichnung für Wrestling, ist vielen älteren ein Begriff. Damals wurden die Wrestlingshows noch von tausenden Besuchern, verteilt über die Eventtage, besucht. In manchen heimischen Ligen werden weiterhin Begriffe aus Zeiten der CWA verwendet.
A passage from either a CWA program or a magazine from the early ‘90s displaying some of the wrestlers currently working with the company. Some of these wrestlers included Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Larry Cameron and Fit Finlay. Photo courtesy of CWA Fan Page.
WrestleMap: The CWA often promoted matches using European pro wrestling rules. Meaning that matches would consist of multiple timed rounds. Does this match stipulation still get used in Austria today? Or has there been more of a shift toward the standard style of singles match that has been popular throughout the rest of the wrestling world?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: The European rules are only used very rarely and are more of a special type of match. Nowadays the classic American rules are generally used.
auf Deutsch: Die europäischen Regeln werden nur mehr ganz ganz selten verwendet und ist eher eine besondere Matchart. Heutzutage werden generell die klassischen amerikanischen Regeln verwendet.
WrestleMap: How popular is pro wrestling in Austria right now? Is there a big fan base for international promotions such as WWE, AEW, or Impact Wrestling coming out of North America? Or perhaps other independent wrestling that is coming out of different countries in Europe?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: Wrestling is more of a marginal sport in Austria. The scene isn't that big and most of the fans only know the WWE. The focus here is mainly on RAW and Smackdown, these two shows are broadcast on German free TV and can also be received in Austria. Due to the debut of WALTER, NXT UK has also gained a bit of attention. Of course, AEW, NJPW and other American and Japanese promotions are also known to some extent. Some fans also follow German leagues, especially wXw, where Austrian wrestlers like Avalanche, Walter and Dan Main have been seen regularly.
auf Deutsch: Wrestling ist in Österreich eher eine Randsportart. Die Szene ist nicht sonderlich groß und der Großteil des Fans kennt lediglich die WWE. Hier stehen hauptsächlich RAW und Smackdown im Vordergrund, diese beiden Shows werden im deutschen Free-TV ausgestrahlt und sind auch in Österreich empfangbar. Aufgrund des Debüts von WALTER hat auch NXT UK etwas an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Natürlich sind zu Teil auch AEW, NJPW sowie andere amerikanischen und japanische Promotions bekannt. Einige Fans ebenso deutsche Ligen, allen voran die wXw, wo u.a. mit Avalanche, Walter und Dan Main regelmäßig österreichische Wrestler zu sehen sind.
WrestleMap: Going back to popularity and fan base, do the promotions based in Austria have a large fan base? Are their shows well attended and are promotions supported well by Austrian fans?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: As I said, the bulk of the domestic fans are WWE fans. The fan base of the local scene is definitely there, but not the largest. The typical wrestling show in Austria has around 200-300 viewers. A handful of shows have around 500-600 visitors a year. The biggest show had 1,000 visitors last year (2019).
auf Deutsch: Wie bereits gesagt, sind der Großteil der heimischen Fans WWE Fans. Die Fanbase der heimischen Szene ist auf jeden Fall vorhanden, jedoch nicht die größte. Die typische Wrestlingshow hat in Österreich um die 200-300 Zuseher. Eine Hand voll Shows hat im Jahr so an die 500-600 Besucher. Die größte Show hatte im Vorjahr 1,000 Besucher.
A crowd gathered for an outdoor Ultimate Kombat Wrestling Association show. There’s just something about professional wrestling in a picturesque Austrian village that is very aesthetically pleasing. (Photo courtesy of the UKWA Facebook page.)
WrestleMap: Would you say the professional wrestling industry as a whole is growing in Austria? How would you categorize this period of wrestling popularity there? Growing in popularity, waning in popularity, etc.?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: I think that interest is growing again at the moment, although it is of course a long way from the former CWA times. Currently the number of promotions and wrestling schools has risen again and there are also many young, aspiring wrestlers.
auf Deutsch: Ich denke, dass das Interesse zurzeit wieder wächst, wobei sie natürlich weit von ehemaligen CWA Zeiten entfernt ist. Aktuell ist die Anzahl an Promotions und Wrestlingschulen wieder gestiegen und es gibt auch viele junge, angehende Wrestler.
A large crowd takes in a Catch Wrestling Europe event. Photo courtesy of the Catch Wrestling Europe Facebook page.
WrestleMap: Now on to some of the promotions themselves. Is there a top promotion in Austria? One that’s kind of seen as the top dog or the national promotion that has the biggest fan base and wrestlers strive to compete for? Or is it more of a territory style system where promotions run out of and control a certain area and all of their fan support comes from their home region?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: The most famous promotion is the EWA European Wrestling Association from Vienna. This is mainly organized in Lower Austria and Vienna. One can say that every promotion has its areas, although some of these overlap. Some promotions can be seen in several federal states, some actually only in one. On the one hand there are fans from the region, but there are also some fans who come from other areas and drive through the country for wrestling. The EWA is even represented at a festival on the Czech side of the Czech-Austrian border every year. In 2017 the CWE organized a one-week tour through Austria.
auf Deutsch: Die bekannteste Promotion ist die EWA European Wrestling Association aus Wien. Diese veranstaltet hauptsächlich in Niederösterreich und Wien. Man kann schon sagen, dass jede Promotion ihre Gebiete hat, obwohl sich diese auch zum Teil überschneiden. Einige Promotions sind in mehreren Bundesländern zu sehen, manche tatsächlich nur in einem. Einerseits gibt es Fans aus der Region, es gibt aber auch einige Fans die aus anderen Gegenden kommen und für das Wrestling durch das Land fahren. Die EWA ist sogar jährlich bei einem Festival an der tschechischen Seite der tschechisch-österreichischen Grenze vertreten. Die CWE hat 2017 eine ein-wöchige Tournee durch Österreich veranstaltet.
Lexa Valo and Jessy Jay from the Rings of Europe Women’s Division (GLAM) battle through the grounds of a castle on their way to the ring in this Cinderella Death Match.
WrestleMap: Who are some of the promotions in Austria right now that are worth keeping an eye on? Who are some of the promotions that are putting out the best product? Are there any up and coming promotions that we should watch out for? Do you have a personal favorite?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: As already said, the EWA European Wrestling Association is the most famous promotion in Austria. In addition to this, there is currently the CWE Catch Wrestling Europe, MWA Main Wrestling Alliance, Powerslam, RoE Rings of Europe, UKWA Ultimate Kombat Wrestling Association and WUW World Underground Wrestling. I would not be able to name which one offers the best product. MWA and Power Slam are both new promotions with one show each (Power Slam 2019, MWA February 2020). The first shows were very promising, the second shows could not take place due to Coronavirus. The other promotions all offer a very good product on a regular basis and appeal to other fan groups, to put it that way. The EWA shows more of a Catch-like product, while MWA, RoE and UKWA show more modern wrestling. RoE also attaches great importance to women's wrestling and until recently had its own women's show called "GLAM!" In addition, Rings of Europe tries very hard to build storylines, which are often in short supply in other promotions. WUW are part of a worldwide underground wrestling organization and fight on a stage instead of in the ring and also work a lot with bizarre gimmicks. Not for every wrestling fanatic, but definitely very entertaining. For reasons of neutrality, I don't want to name a personal favorite.
auf Deutsch: Wie bereits gesagt ist die EWA European Wrestling Association die bekannteste Promotion in Österreich. Neben dieser gibt es aktuell die CWE Catch Wrestling Europe, MWA Main Wrestling Alliance, Powerslam, RoE Rings of Europe, UKWA Ultimate Kombat Wrestling Association und WUW World Underground Wrestling. Ich würde hierbei jetzt keine nennen können, welche das beste Produkt bietet. MWA und Power Slam sind beide noch neue Promotion mit je einer Show (Power Slam 2019, MWA February 2020). Die ersten Shows waren jeweils sehr vielversprechend, die zweiten Shows konnten jeweils aufgrund von Corona nicht stattfinden. Die anderen Promotions bieten alle regelmäßig ein sehr gutes Produkt und sprechen andere Fanschichten an, um es so auszudrücken. Die EWA zeigt noch eher ein Catch-ähnliches Produkt, während MWA, RoE und UKWA eher das moderne Wrestling zeigen. RoE legt viel auch viel Wert auf Frauenwrestling und hatte hier bis vor Kurzen noch eine eigene Frauenshow namens „GLAM!“. Zusätzlich ist Rings of Europe noch sehr um den Aufbau von Storylines bemüht, welche bei anderen Promotions oft Mangelware sind. WUW sind Teil einer weltweiten Underground Wrestling Organisation und kämpf statt im Ring auf einer Bühne und arbeitet auch viel mit skurrilen Gimmicks. Nichts für jeden Wrestlingfan, aber auf jeden Fall sehr unterhaltsam. Einen persönlichen Favoriten möchte ich aus Gründen der Neutralität nicht nennen.
Main Wrestling Alliance has brought a modern style of independent wrestling to the Austrian scene in their short existence. Photos courtesy of the Main Wrestling Alliance Facebook page.
WrestleMap: Is there wrestling on TV in Austria that you’re aware of? Do any of the Austrian promotions have a weekly television show?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: There are no weekly TV shows, although rumor has it that one was being planned. That was probably postponed due to Corona. The WUW publishes (outside of Corona) a weekly fight from their previous show on YouTube. MWA, Power Slam and Rings of Europe also publish all shows on YouTube afterwards. At EWA and UKWA some, but not all shows are recorded. Some matches or shows can be found on YouTube or Dailymotion.
auf Deutsch: Wöchentliche TV Shows gibt es keine, obwohl gerüchteweise eine in Planung war. Das wurde wohl aufgrund von Corona verschoben. Die WUW veröffentlich (außerhalb von Corona) wöchentlich einen Kampf ihrer vergangenen Show auf YouTube. Auch MWA, Power Slam und Rings of Europe veröffentlicht alle Shows im Nachhinein auf YouTube. Bei EWA und UKWA werden manche, jedoch nicht alle Shows aufgezeichnet. Manche Matches bzw. Shows sind auf YouTube oder Dailymotion zu finden.
WrestleMap: Is there enough opportunity available for wrestlers within the country to be able to make a living as a pro wrestler?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: There are very few wrestlers who can live wrestling within the country. They run their own school. In Austria nobody can live from appearances in the country alone.
auf Deutsch: Es gibt nur sehr wenige Wrestler die innerhalb des Landes von Wrestling leben können. Diese betreiben eine eigene Schule. Von Auftritten im Land alleine kann in Österreich niemand leben.
WrestleMap: We’ve touched a little bit on some of the most popular wrestlers to come out of Austria. For example, Otto Wanz is a former AWA World Champion and the founder of the CWA. WALTER is currently the NXT UK Champion. Who are some other Austrian wrestlers that have had some experience wrestling in companies outside of Austria that wrestling fans may not be aware of?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: There are numerous wrestlers who have regular appearances within Europe and some of them have already been to Japan or small US promotions. In addition to WALTER, Avalanche, “Bambikiller” Chris Raaber, Martn Pain and Thekla (female wrestler) have recently been on the international stage. "Avalanche" Robert Dreissker moved to Germany this year to take over the position of wXw Academy Head Coach from Walter and last year (2019) was with the wXw in Toronto, as well as occasionally for CZW and MLW (Battle Riot and World Heavyweight Title Match against Tom Lawler) in the ring. The "Bambikiller" Chris Raaber is next to WALTER, Avalanche and Michael Kovac, as probably the most renowned active wrestler from Austria. He holds over 10 world championship belts and has wrestled in numerous matches for All Japan Pro Wrestling (2010 - 2014) and [WWE Developmental Territory] Florida Championship Wrestling (2009), and in recent years has been especially active in Europe and Asia. This year QPW had a title match against Alofa, Alberto del Rio and Rob Van Dam at QPW. Martn Pain is definitely a wrestler to watch. Last year (2019) he was on CWE's 10 year tour in Canada, among others, with or against Michael Elgin, Psicosis or The Kingdom in ring. In the same year he also did a month-long tour of Japan. On the female side, Thekla is currently very successful internationally, who got into the ring for Ice Ribbon during the lockdown in Japan and has planned further Japan tours. Of course there are numerous other wrestlers who have already been or are very successfully active in Europe and worldwide, such as Chris Colen (former GWF Champion in Germany) or Michael Kovac (including 1998 ECW) and many more.
auf Deutsch: Es gibt zahlreiche Wrestler die innerhalb Europas regelmäßig Auftritte haben und zum Teil auch schon Mal in Japan oder kleinen US-Promotions waren. Neben WALTER sind zuletzt vor allem Avalanche, „Bambikiller“ Chris Raaber, Martn Pain und Thekla (weibliche Wrestlerin) international unterwegs gewesen. „Avalanche“ Robert Dreissker ist dieses Jahr nach Deutschland gezogen um die Position als wXw Academy Headcoach von Walter zu übernehmen und war letztes Jahr (2019) mit der wXw in Toronto, sowie vereinzelt für CZW und MLW (Battle Riot und World Heavyweight Title Match gegen Tom Lawler) im Ring. Der „Bambikiller“ Chris Raaber ist neben WALTER, Avalanche und Michael Kovac, wohl der renommierteste aktive Wrestler aus Österreich stammende Wrestler. Er hält über 10 Weltmeistergürtel und stand neben zahlreichen Matches für AJPW (2010 – 2014) und FCW (2009), in den letzten Jahren vor allem in Europa und Asien im Ring. Heuer hatte in Katar bei QPW ein Titelmatch gegen Alofa, Alberto del Rio und Rob Van Dam. Martn Pain ist definitiv ein Wrestler, den man beobachten sollte. Letztes Jahr (2019) stand er bei CWE 10 Jahrestour in Kanada u.a. mit bzw. gegen Michael Elgin, Psicosis oder The Kingdom in Ring. Außerdem bestritt er im selben Jahr eine mehrmonatige Japantour. Auf der weiblichen Seite ist international aktuell vor allem Thekla sehr erfolgreich welche während dem Lockdown in Japan für Ice Ribbon in den Ring stieg und sich weitere Japantourneen vorgenommen hat. Natürlich gibt es zahlreiche weitere Wrestler, welche in Europa, sowie weltweit bereits sehr erfolgreich aktiv waren bzw. sind wie Chris Colen (ehemaliger GWF Champion in Deutschland) oder Michael Kovac (u.a. 1998 ECW) und viele mehr.
“Bambikiller”Chris Raaber, Profile Courtesy of European Wrestling Association
Photo courtesy of Chris Raaber Facebook Page
“Bambi Killer” Chris Raaber has travelled extensively around the world, including into Africa as this show flyer from Cameroon shows. Raaber served as tag team partner for African professional wrestling legend Super Makia in his last professional match in Cameroon in 2014, which was being advertised on this flyer.
“The "Bambikiller" Chris Raaber is next to WALTER, Avalanche and Michael Kovac, as probably the most renowned active wrestler from Austria. He holds over 10 world championship belts and has wrestled in numerous matches for All Japan Pro Wrestling (2010 - 2014) and [WWE Developmental Territory] Florida Championship Wrestling (2009), and in recent years has been especially active in Europe and Asia.” - Pro Wrestling Osterreich
WrestleMap: What about wrestlers that haven’t had much breakout success yet? Who are some of the best wrestlers currently competing in Austria? Can you tell us a little bit about them? Any up and comers to keep an eye on?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: Austria currently has some talented wrestlers. In addition to the already mentioned Avalanche, Martn Pain and Thekla, I would keep an eye on “Dan Main” Dennis Zinner. He is only 22 years young and has already toured England for ASW and LDN, as well as a US appearance at BWF and only made his wXw debut shortly before the corona outbreak. Otherwise, due to their young age, Team Turbulence (a tag team, among others, already active in Germany) and Jessy Jay (female wrestler, also often active in Germany) can be observed. Of course there are also some younger or inexperienced wrestlers with great potential, as well as wrestlers who have been around for a long time and would be interesting for international appearances at any time, like Mexxberg.
auf Deutsch: Österreich hat aktuell einige talentierte Wrestler. Neben den bereits erwähnte Avalanche, Martn Pain und Thekla würde ich unter anderen auf „Dan Main“ Dennis Zinner ein Auge werfen. Er ist erst 22 Jahre jung und hat bereits Englandtourneen für ASW und LDN, sowie einen US-Auftritt bei BWF zu verzeichnen und hatte erst kurz vor Coronaausbruch sein wXw Debüt. Ansonsten sind aufgrund ihres noch jungen Alters sicher noch Team Turbulence (ein Tag Team u.a. bereits in Deutschland aktiv) und Jessy Jay (Wrestlerin, auch oft in Deutschland aktiv) zu beobachten. Natürlich gibt es auch einige noch jüngere oder unerfahrene Wrestler mit großem Potential, sowie bereits Wrestler welche bereits länger dabei sind und jederzeit für internationale Auftritte interessant wären wie Mexxberg.
Austrian veteran Mexxberg, with and without the mask he wears to the ring. Photos courtesy of Mexxberg’s Facebook page.
WrestleMap: Are there any local wrestling legends that have been around and have seen a high level of success in Austria but never had the chance to really break out internationally or receive the international acclaim that they deserve?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: There are definitely some wrestlers who stayed a little under the radar, even though they had sporadic appearances abroad. So I noticed, among other things Chris Colen, “The Mercenary” Franz Schlederer, Peter White or Mexxberg.
auf Deutsch: Es gibt auf jeden Fall einige Wrestler die etwas unter dem Radar blieben, obwohl sie trotz allem vereinzelte Auslandsauftritte hatten. So fielen mir hier u.a. Chris Colen, „Der Söldner“ Franz Schlederer, Peter White oder Mexxberg ein.
WrestleMap: For someone that is interested, what is the best way to access pro wrestling coming out of Austria? Is there a way to watch some promotions online that you’re aware of? Are there any annual events (tournaments, super shows, etc.) that are must sees for potential fans that are interested in pro wrestling in Austria? Is there a particular event that you enjoyed, maybe more than others, that you can recommend to a fan that’s trying to get into Austrian wrestling as a good starting point?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: As already mentioned, there are numerous matches and shows to watch online, here is a list of the channels of the promotions, as well as other channels where shows or highlight videos are regularly uploaded:
EWA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMyeNPceAvW864CBTDuPuzg
MWA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMwb8dclh3PJmCWa48lJ-dQ
Power Slam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJhnBmUf0pgKAKt1kUxWK3Q
RoE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUv8OV5olND5rqsJtsrcu7Q
WUW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdcOXFSqYoFhS40UQvzhLA
Other channels:
Dennis Zinner https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOH7zQwP1c1JYu_4dq7drA (Matches from Dan Main Dennis Zinner)
Peter White https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnJZuHwF8uns2zPDHiQmow (mostly Peter White, but partly also other matches)
Mexxberg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUOjHs6yYVVXtE-Tbf7vcnA (Matches from Mexxberg)
Catch Wrestling Superstars https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwp8F-eezC-PSBc5Y33eX8g (various wrestling videos from Austria)
Pro Wrestling Österreich https://www.youtube.com/c/Prowrestlingat (various event videos, more to come)
For potential fans the biggest shows through the year would be UKWA War of Nations in Styria in the beginning of the year, EWA Prater Catchen in the Viennese Prater, as well as EWA/CWE Catch Weltmeisterschaft in Styria in summer. RoE WrestleClash in autumn as well as any WUW show during the year. (Yeah anything already in English :-P)
Here is a playlist of personal recommendations for clips, matches or events to get a first insight into wrestling in Austria:
Catchen am Heumarkt 1964 Documentary https://youtu.be/3sEo2tZQNeQ
EWA 2012 Match Chris Colen vs Dragan Okic https://youtu.be/oWciojA83vY
EWA Champions Night 2016 Full Show https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x583qe2
EWA Prater Catchen 2019 Highlightvideo https://youtu.be/CbVZMfxtDd4
RoE WrestleClash XX (2018) Full Show https://youtu.be/JhV9K8PigXU
UKWA Summer Smash 2019 Match Mexxberg vs. Martn Pain https://youtu.be/nhzQGxyVLoc
WUW 2019 Match Mario vs Martn Pain https://youtu.be/NEm9G-1Q_ZE
auf Deutsch: Wie bereits erwähnt gibt es zahlreiche Matches und Shows online zusehen, hier eine Auflistung der Kanäle der Promotions, sowie anderer Kanäle wo regelmäßig Shows bzw. Highlightvideos hochgeladen werden:
EWA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMyeNPceAvW864CBTDuPuzg
MWA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMwb8dclh3PJmCWa48lJ-dQ
Power Slam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJhnBmUf0pgKAKt1kUxWK3Q
RoE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUv8OV5olND5rqsJtsrcu7Q
WUW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBdcOXFSqYoFhS40UQvzhLA
Weitere Kanäle:
Dennis Zinner https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOH7zQwP1c1JYu_4dq7drA (Matches von Dan Main Dennis Zinner)
Peter White https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnJZuHwF8uns2zPDHiQmow (großteils Peter White, jedoch zum Teil auch andere Matches)
Mexxberg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUOjHs6yYVVXtE-Tbf7vcnA (Matches von Mexxberg)
Catch Wrestling Superstars https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwp8F-eezC-PSBc5Y33eX8g (diverse Wrestlingvideos aus Österreich)
Pro Wrestling Österreich https://www.youtube.com/c/Prowrestlingat (diverse Eventvideos, folgen noch mehr)
For potential fans the biggest shows through the year would be UKWA War of Nations in Styria in the beginning of the year, EWA Prater Catchen in the Viennese Prater, as well as EWA/CWE Catch Weltmeisterschaft in Styria in summer, RoE WrestleClash in autumn as well as any WUW show during the year. (Yeah anything already in English :-P)
Hier ist eine Playlist persönlicher Empfehlung an Clips, Matches oder Events um einen ersten Einblick in das Wrestling in Österreich zu gewinnen:
Catchen am Heumarkt 1964 Dokumentation https://youtu.be/3sEo2tZQNeQ
EWA 2012 Match Chris Colen vs Dragan Okic https://youtu.be/oWciojA83vY
EWA Champions Night 2016 Full Show https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x583qe2
EWA Prater Catchen 2019 Highlightvideo https://youtu.be/CbVZMfxtDd4
RoE WrestleClash XX (2018) Full Show https://youtu.be/JhV9K8PigXU
UKWA Summer Smash 2019 Match Mexxberg vs. Martn Pain https://youtu.be/nhzQGxyVLoc
WUW 2019 Match Mario vs Martn Pain https://youtu.be/NEm9G-1Q_ZE
WrestleMap: Is there one thing or maybe a couple things that make the wrestling scene in Austria unique? Anything you can think of that could kind of be Austria’s claim to fame on the international wrestling scene as a whole?
Pro Wrestling Österreich: That is a difficult question. I think one of the great things about it is that even though we only have a few leagues, we still have a lot of different wrestling choices. I am sure that some talents will also be seen internationally in the future.
auf Deutsch: Das ist eine schwere Frage. Ich denke, eine große Besonderheit ist, dass wir obwohl nur paar Ligen haben, trotzdem eine große Auswahl an verschiedenes Wrestling haben. Ich bin mir sicher, dass einige Talente auch in Zukunft international zu sehen seien werden.
A huge thank you to Pro Wrestling Österreich for just absolutely knocking it out of the park in this edition of The Hot Tag. Please be sure to check out the truly amazing work that they do covering the Austrian pro wrestling scene! Please, follow Pro Wrestling Österreich on Facebook and Twitter!
Be sure to check out the other countries and areas of the world that have been featured on The Hot Tag! Also be sure to check out our interactive pro wrestling world map where we’re working to list every single wrestling promotion in the world!