
One of the main ideas behind this website was the ability to make professional wrestling from all around the world accessible with one click. It was about discovering new national, regional and local wrestling scenes that people may have been interested in but didn’t know where to find this information. But in order to do this, I knew that I had to do more than just provide a dot on a map. I had to provide a starting place that would help you on your journey of wrestling discovery. But I’m not an expert on all of the wrestling scenes that are featured on this site. So that’s why I needed a tag team partner. I lay the ground work with the map and then I make the hot tag into my partner to clean house.

Here at the Hot Tag, the goal is to introduce you to a wrestling scene. To give you the important facts to help understand it and provide you with a starting point when diving headfirst into exploring this new scene. Each of my “tag partners” in this series are experts in their field. They either currently write or report on it, post on a blog about it or participate in it themselves.

To make the hot tag, click on one of the articles below!

Pro wrestling in Argentina has a long and storied past. At one point, long running wrestling television program Titanes en el Ring was the most viewed television program in all of Argentina…(Read more)

The wrestling scene in Australia is blowing up right now. A lot of very high level talent that’s branching out overseas and into international promotions. But this wrestling boom in Australia is still kind of a well kept secret to the international wrestling fan base as a whole. In fact…(Read more)

Austria may very well be the heartland of European professional wrestling. Over the past 50 or so years, Austria has made contributions to the international professional wrestling scene that can’t be matched by many other Continental European countries. (Read more)

Belgium is the home to a wrestling scene that has been quiet thus far. It hasn’t produced as many international stars as other European countries like the U.K. and it isn’t home to any powerhouse independent promotions like Germany and the scene itself is still young and expanding. But,…(Read more)

British Columbia and Western Canada have had a thriving professional wrestling scene for a long time. Dating all the way back to the territory days before the WWF’s national (and then global) expansion. But when you compare BC and it’s biggest city, Vancouver’s, reputation and legacy in the wrestling industry, it doesn’t seem to get mentioned in the same breath as other Canadian cities…(Read more)