British Columbia and Western Canada have had a thriving professional wrestling scene for a long time. Dating all the way back to the territory days before the WWF’s national (and then global) expansion. But when you compare BC and it’s biggest city, Vancouver’s, reputation and legacy in the wrestling industry, it doesn’t seem to get mentioned in the same breath as other Canadian cities like Calgary, Winnipeg or Toronto. But that’s all about to change. Since I’m not on expert on the wrestling scene in British Columbia, I’ve invited someone who is. That someone is The Okanagan Wrestling Review and they cover the indies in B.C. and Western Canada along with So get ready! I’m crawling to the corner and I’m about to make… the Hot Tag!
WrestleMap: So obviously, wrestling in Canada has a pretty long and well known history. Looking back to the territory days, it seems that maybe the east coast of Canada’s history is a little more well known with Maple Leaf Wrestling in Toronto and the Montreal territory. Or even the AWA running shows up into Winnipeg. Do you know what promotions were running out of British Columbia and western Canada during these days?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: There is actually a great deal of Professional Wrestling history in Western Canada. There was the original NWA All-Star Wrestling out of Vancouver, which was televised and active from 1977 through 1989. Also, Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling was out of Calgary and was active in some way, on and off, from 1947 through 1989, and was televised from 1957 to 1989. Stampede Wrestling also had a notorious professional wrestling school called “The Dungeon” in the Hart Family’s basement which produced some amazing talent such as Bret and Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, The British Bulldogs, Brian Pillman, Ken Shamrock, Lance Storm, Edge and Christian, just to name a few.
Documentary about NWA All-Star Wrestling done by Original Wrestling Documentaries, who always do a great job.
WrestleMap: Wrestlers emerging from some of the more traditional powerhouses, so to speak, in Canadian wrestling like Calgary, Winnipeg and even the Greater Toronto Area is well documented. Kind of sticking to the theme of Western Canada and BC not being as well known in terms of their wrestling history and past as some other parts of Canada, who are some of the most well known wrestlers to come out of BC?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: British Columbia certainly doesn’t have the bragging rights for producing huge names in Professional Wrestling like Alberta does, but B.C. still has some clout. Some you should recognize are John "Earthquake" Tenta, Kyle O’Reilly, El Phantasmo, Tyler Breeze, Chelsea Green, Akam from AOP, and “The Bollywood Boyz” Gurv and Harv Sihra were all born here. It is the up and coming talent on the indie scene here that is really exciting!
Some of British Columbia’s most successful professional wrestlers, pictured starting from back row left: Tenta, O’Reilly, El Phantasmo, Breeze, Green, Akam, and the Sihra Brothers
WrestleMap: So let’s get back to more of the present day in BC. I’m not sure if this is something that you may have insight on or not. But while I was working on putting together the map in Canada, I noticed that Ontario and Quebec have a LOT of wrestling promotions. This, however, isn’t the case for western Canada or British Columbia. But from what I found, even compared to places like Winnipeg and Edmonton, there just aren’t as many promotions running out of BC. I did notice that some of the companies from areas like Winnipeg and Edmonton will tour and make stops into BC. Is there just not as many promotions due to a higher level of touring being done by companies in Western Canada? Is it just there being a lower population in the western area of Canada that keeps the numbers of promotions down? It’s definitely possible that I’m missing something but I found it surprising that the area in and around Vancouver wasn’t a little more well represented like, say, the area around Toronto.
Okanagan Wrestling Review: Sure, population will certainly have something to do with that. There are quite a few more promotions in the lower mainland for sure as that is where the majority of B.C.’s population lives. We don’t have many promotions from outside of B.C. touring and putting on shows. Candian Wrestling’s Elite (CWE) out of Winnipeg usually comes through once or twice a year, and WWE/NXT occasionally makes stops as well. Honestly, I think the promotions already here have their territories where they run their shows, and somewhat stick to that. You won’t really see a promotion from the interior of B.C. put on a show in the lower mainland. Although they certainly share talent for the most part.
Thrash Wrestling announces a “new bloody era” in this cool hype video
WrestleMap: So let’s stick with the promotions that are running in BC today. Is there a top dog? One that everyone on the scene is sort of thriving to reach? Or is it more of promotions being popular in certain areas of the province?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: I wouldn’t say there is a “top dog promotion” in B.C. as they are all unique to their territory, and all do a really great job with their shows. Some may have a higher production quality, or maybe more well-known names, but they all take pride in the product they put out there.
If this doesn’t make you want to check out ECCW, I literally don’t even know what to tell you.
WrestleMap: Which promotions are putting out the best product that are running shows in BC right now? Are there any we should be keeping an eye out for? Do you currently have a favorite or one that you feel is kind of outshining the others?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: Well, there hasn’t been too much going on for a while now due to Covid-19, honestly. Big West Wrestling has put on a couple of successful shows recently with limited seating, and social distancing in effect. It’s great to see shows starting to happen again. I live in the Okanagan Valley and our local promotions are Thrash Wrestling, Big West Wrestling, and Invasion Wrestling. Heading west you will find All Star Wrestling, Pacific Pro Wrestling, Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling (ECCW), and “Kobra Kai Presents”, all out of the Vancouver area/lower mainland. 365 Pro Wrestling runs out of Campbell River, and is an affiliate of PWA (The Pure Wrestling Association) out of Southern Ontario. Then there is Vancouver Island Pro Wrestling (VIPW), obviously on the island. I don’t want to say I have a favorite, but I have worked with Thrash Wrestling the most with filming matches, interviews, etc. Also, the events that “Kobra Kai Presents” puts on are really unique, fun and sometimes even a bit bizarre. It’s good stuff.
This Kobra Kai show promised to have a “live heavy metal wrestling musical”
Poster for a Kobra Kai Presents/Rickshaw Wrestling show taken from Cobra Kai’s Facebook Page. All of the show posters are this cool, they’re worth seeking out
WrestleMap: What about the wrestlers on the scene right now? Who are some of the best? Are there any up and comers that we should keep an eye on?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: Lots of great up and coming Professional Wrestlers in B.C. at the moment! “The Northern Nightmare” Camaro Cope, Judas Icarus, “Ol’ Greedy Bastard” Jordie Taylor, The Vixen Jade, Matt XStatic, "Beef Boy" Elliot Tyler, Shreddz, “All Attitude” Ace Redmann Jr, Nicole Matthews, “The Bomber” Braydon Goss, Jayce D’Arcy, Scarlett Black, Eli Surge, Bambi and Liiza Hall (The Hall Sisters), Todd Quality, Sean Gaston, Haviko, Chucky Lee Ray, Davey Deals, and many more. Too many to name, in fact, and I feel bad for not literally naming another 20 athletes, LOL! There is also amazing veteren wrestlers that run the promotions, or lead/train the newer athletes. “The Homicidal Maniac” Slave, “Mad Dog” Marty Sugar, “Top Drawer” Michael More, The Legendary Black Dragon (Bret Como), Eddie Osbourne, Cremator Von Slasher, Kobra Kai (FightKobraKai), Michelle Starr, “Cougar Meat Kid” Collin Cutler, Artemis Spencer, Scotty Mac, “That Guy” Danni Deeds, “Uncle Daddy” Tony Baroni...the list goes on.
Judas Icarus vs. Matt Xstatic, two of the best young wrestlers in B.C.
Jordie Taylor and Eddie Osbourne go toe to toe for Vancouver Island Pro Wrestling
WrestleMap: Is there any one thing that you can think of that makes wrestling in BC different than wrestling anywhere else? What’s something that could help make wrestling in BC stick out on an international stage or something that wrestling in BC could be well known for?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: I think what sticks out to me about Pro Wrestling in B.C. is that each promotion is unique, and very different from the others. They all have something special that brings the fans out in their area to support the Indie Wrestling scene, and keep it alive.
Two of the top female talents in Western Canada, The Vixen Jade and Scarlett Black square off with the Thrash Okanagan Title on the line
WrestleMap: Thanks so much for your time! Is there anything else you can think of that you’d like to mention about wrestling in BC today? Any big changes or events that have happened on the scene recently? Anything on the horizon that could make a big splash? Anything we might not know but you think it would be important to know when trying to get a grasp on the wrestling scene in BC?
Okanagan Wrestling Review: Something new in B.C. at the moment is a Pro Wrestling school called “Lions Gate Dojo” just opened in Vancouver, led by Artemis Spencer, Billy Suede, Cat Power, Nicole Matthews, and Tony Baroni. I think that is pretty exciting, and I wish them success for sure!
I’ll leave you with this last match between B.C. standout Judas Icarus and indie wrestling legend Matt Cross from DEFY Wrestling in Seattle
I’m really excited for some of these young wrestlers coming out of British Columbia. It is a unique scene, that’s for sure. Such a wide variety of wrestling in British Columbia, it must be a lot of fun to live there and be able to get out to all of these different kinds of shows. Huge thank you to the Okanagan Wrestling Review! Please definitely check them out and give them a follow to keep up with wrestling coverage in British Columbia.
Rough Waters
Okanagan Wrestling Review