Legion Nueva Era reaches back into the Old Era for another well received show in Buenos Aires

On April 24th, Legion Nueva Era Argentina continued a series of strong showings since the start of the year and the (so far) definitive return to live shows with crowds. This time around, the venue was the Club Riestra in Pompeya, Buenos Aires, like their previous show “Into the Legionverse.”

Legion Old Era had 7 matches in the card covering from tag team action, trios matches, hardcore matches and 2 on 1 matches.

The first match of the evening was for the Tag Team Titles of Legion Nueva Era, matching the current champions, the ever popular “Conurbardo” represented by Frankie Legrand and Cassidy, against the team of Mike “Wildcard” Brooks and Striker from the promotion “Catch Argentino.”

Conurbardo displayed their usual level of quality work and the wiliness of Brooks and Striker wasn’t even close to matching up with the Tag Champs. The only time it nearly did, J-Master, Catch Argentino’s Metropolitan Champion intervened in favor of Legion’s champs, saving the match for them and getting onto Brooks’ shit list.

Cassidy delivers a German suplex to Striker in the tag team titles match

The second match was a singles match involving the newest member of  “Conurbardo”, the babyfaced prodigy Teo Griffin, facing off against Capuchita, one of the most beloved baby faces in Legion Nueva Era Argentina, who continues his singles career after the dissolution of his former faction “Seccional La Plata”

Capuchita put up a valiant fight, but he was outmatched by Teo Griffin in all categories. They brawled through the crowd, Capuchita even dove off the concessions counter, but he wasn’t up to the task of defeating the newest member of Conurbardo.

Capuchita dives from the concession stand onto Teo Griffin

The third match was a trios match with “La Kocina de Kuma,” led by Kuma accompanied by his two Sous-Chefs, who facing off against Team Dojo, composed of the masked luchador Mckiller, the talented Mat Del Mul and Valentino, a recent debut in the promotion.

The match began as a back-and-forth between both teams with impressive showings by all wrestlers involved, but soon chaos ensued and “La Kocina” capitalized on it, taking the win after a triple move.

Kuma launches Valentino onto his Team Dojo teammates

During a short mid-show intermission, there was a display of old-school Circus Strong-men techniques by Omar Santamarina, famed catch-as-can practitioner, boxing coach and all round awesome guy who leads a charity trying to use sport as a way to keep children off the streets.

Omar Santamarina displays some strongman techniques while he bends a metal rod

After the break, Ricky Rocca came out to denounce the nepotism on display by Legion’s leader, Francisco Rolón, for giving Johnny Fox a title opportunity without seemingly deserving it. Rolón came out to face Rocca, offering him an opportunity if he could beat him right at that very moment. After a highly technical match, Ricky Rocca took the win and a chance for the title at the next show.

Ricky Rocca locks Francisco Rolón into the figure four

In the following bout, Guido el Demoledor wrestled the “Brody Lovis” in a disadvantaged 2 on 1 match. Even with the best efforts of the masked duo, it was clear by the end that the ones at a disadvantage were them, as Guido took all their offensive and after a kick out from their finisher turned the match into a brutal squash.

Guido el Demoledor withstands a flying forearm from one half of Brodys Lovis on his way to victory in a 2 on 1 match

The next match involved CLS, represented by Pandemia and Exodus, facing off against Nemesis, represented by Chuck Dixon (who recently returned from an expedition to Chile) and Slovak, who had his reservations about teaming with Dixon after a falling out.

This was a brutal match, full of strikes and power moves that echoed across the venue with impressive intensity. For each inch of joint violence displayed by CLS, Dixon displayed equal or even greater proficiency as a high flier, marking him as one of the best in the country. Slovak put up a valiant fight matching the powerhouse stable’s brutality with his own.

In the end, Nemesis didn’t hit the mark, losing to CLS who now continues their impressive run as a tag team. Nemesis seemed to be about to crumble once again, but the return of Terry, the third member, managed to calm Dixon and Slovak and they announced their re-unification.

Moments before a brutal suplex in the CLS/Exodus tag team match

The main event of the evening was a hardcore match for Legion’s top title and involved the current champion, Maikol, facing off against Johnny Fox. In the weeks prior to this bout, both contenders threw barrages of verbal ammunition at each other, contrasting their careers and achievements as both were part of some of the same promotions before Legion.

Maikol and Johnny exchanged thunderous blows with chairs, computer parts, wood planks, cylinders and more. Maikol attempted to put Johnny through a table that took the hit like a NJPW table, not even buckling, while Johnny returned the favor pushing Maikol off the apron into a much flimsier one that exploded upon impact.

By the end, both wrestlers were spent and almost done. Johnny gave Maikol a Concerto but the champion pulled stamina from an unseen place and managed to counter Johnny’s last chair shot with a flying kick he calls “Bazooka.” Maikol proceeded to brutalize Fox with a series of chair shots until covering him to win.

Johnny Fox hits a tope suicida on Legion Maximum Champion Maikol

Legion Old Era ended with a bang, and the next event, “Back to the 80’s” was announced for June 4th, back in Legion’s other regular venue, the “Mandril” theater.

All images courtesy of Matias E. Alvarez. Check out his Instagram account by clicking here!

Mario A. Mentasti

Wrestling enthusiast, videogame writer and pretty decent home cook.


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