Nigerian Contingent Arrives in Cameroon Ahead of Battle of Yaoundé

The heavyweight champion of Africa, Power Lee, and the Secretary General of Pro Wrestling Africa, Olusesan Olukoya, have arrived in Cameroon from Nigeria. After a travel day on Monday, Tuesday has seen Power Lee and Olukoya settle in and begin to prepare for Friday’s Battle of Yaoundé.

Olusesan Olukoya, standing in his WrestleMap t-shirt, is joined by the heavyweight championship challenger Michel Noudem, PWA Middleweight Champion The Wolf NDA and PWA Heavyweight Champion Mr. Peace Power Lee De Great among others

Olusesan Olukoya, standing in his WrestleMap t-shirt, is joined by the heavyweight championship challenger Michel Noudem, PWA Middleweight Champion The Wolf NDA and PWA Heavyweight Champion Mr. Peace Power Lee De Great among others

The staff and wrestlers enjoyed a meal together on Tuesday that was provided by their hosts in Cameroon. Captain Emmanuel Ndo, who is the President of Cameroon’s FECACATCH and also Vice President of Pro Wrestling Africa, had helped organized all amenities for the visiting wrestlers and staff.

A few interesting notes from this photo. First, it’s interesting to see Michel Noudem and Power Lee sharing a meal together, although they are at separate ends of the table. There is definitely a mutual respect between the two. However, take a look at where Power Lee has his gaze fixed. He appears to be looking directly at Michel Noudem. Is he sizing up his opponent? Perhaps keeping an eye on him just in case Noudem were to make a move? Or is it just a coincidence? That’s up to the viewer to decide.

Second, notice Olusesan Olukoya’s WrestleMap t-shirt. As most WrestleMap readers are aware, Olukoya is WrestleMap’s chief correspondent in Africa. With Olukoya’s help and the help of a local screen printer in Nigeria, WrestleMap was able to produce some WrestleMap t-shirts for some of the wrestlers and staff that will be present in Yaoundé to help show our support for Pro Wrestling Africa and the Battle of Yaoundé. Due to shipping costs to Nigeria, the decision was made to have the shirts made directly in Nigeria.

PWA Heavyweight Champion Power Lee poses in his new WrestleMap t-shirt

PWA Heavyweight Champion Power Lee poses in his new WrestleMap t-shirt

For fans that are interested in purchasing a similar shirt with the WrestleMap logo that is produced by our web hosting client Squarespace, check out our merch section! Affordable shipping options are available for most of the world!

As for the wrestlers and staff of PWA, it will be a busy week. Between training, media appearances and meetings with many local dignitaries, the week in Cameroon will most likely fly by.

Stay tuned to WrestleMap for more coverage of the Battle of Yaoundé as we march toward Friday!


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