New documentary on Vietnam’s pro wrestling scene released

For the second time in the last few months, a documentary detailing the pro wrestling scene in Vietnam has been released by a news outlet in the country. This increased press coverage in the country can only be a good sign for the future of pro wrestling in the Asian country. With more coverage and awareness comes more eyes on the product.

This documentary was released by The Saigoneer and features some insight into what pro wrestling is for Vietnamese fans that may not be familiar with the sport. The documentary gives a glimpse into training, the growing pool of wrestlers and contains high quality footage of a match between two of VPW’s top stars, Sid Nguyen and Rocky Huynh in a battle for the VPW championship title belt. You can check out the nine minute documentary below!

You can also check out the accompanying article that was released with the documentary at . Huge thanks to Lavie Margolin for the tip on this. Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter @Laviemarg for news and analysis on the business side of the pro wrestling business.


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