The first episode of the WrestleMap podcast is here
WrestleMap founder Bryan Anderson records this episode while stuck on the couch recovering from surgery! This episode includes a world tour of professional wrestling news coverage mainly focusing on international pro wrestling scenes outside of the major pro wrestling countries!

Fans throw chairs toward ring as wild scene unfolds during UWE Nepal Intercontinental Title match
This one is a page almost directly out of the ECW book that helps to solidify the parallel that we drew earlier. Many fans of the old ECW will remember the infamous chair throwing incident that took place in a match between Cactus Jack and Terry Funk. Well now, we have seen something similar from the UWE fans who, during the match between Thagu and Awesh, threw chairs toward the ring.

New documentary on Vietnam’s pro wrestling scene released
For the second time in the last few months, a documentary detailing the pro wrestling scene in Vietnam has been released by a news outlet in the country.

New video detailing incredible story of pro wrestler turned Nigerian king released
Following his career in the ring, Ladi was summoned by his family back home to ascend to the throne as king and serve as the Onidera of Idera.

New short documentary about Vietnam’s pro wrestling scene released
The documentary follows the VPW team from training, where Hong Kong based wrestler and former WWE competitor Ho Ho Lun stops by to help with training, to live shows, and finally, to the company’s first live show with a wrestling ring.

The Wolf NDA releases some high quality footage from April match
The Wolf NDA has released a high quality highlight video from his match with Buffalo at Pro Wrestling Africa’s April 30th event in Cameroon, Battle of Yaoundé 2021.

Watch Nigeria Pro Wrestling Federation Live Stream
Watch a live stream of Nigeria Pro Wrestling Federation’s June 13th show