Stable warfare erupts in Catch Argentino at their second of three December events

Catch Argentino continued their Hat Trick of events this December on Sunday the 12th with Renegades, featuring the newest and arguably most powerful stable, Chenen Club, as the main highlight in the poster.

The first match of the day involved the high-flying Byron Blaire vs the returning Sargent Connor. Blaire showcased his gravity defying offense to push back against Connor and finished the match with a submission, finally getting his first win ever.

Byron Blayre (right) prepares to take on Sargent Connor

The second match involved the veteran Black Angel and the rising star Teo Griffin. Angel used his experience to take control for most of the match, but in the end he couldn’t match up against Griffin’s power and technical prowess, so Teo took the win. 

Teo Griffin gets big air as he charges into the corner for a dropkick on a seated Black Angel

Teo Griffin is a talent to keep an eye on, having the complete package with strength, speed, technique and charisma. He had an amazing 2021 even if he didn’t win any belts, and he most likely will have an even better 2022 if the lockdown phases out.

Teo Griffin winds up for a stiff chop before unleashing on Black Angel

The third match got heated quickly, as the up-and-coming star J-Master waged a war against Mike “The Wildcard” Brooks. While J-Master showcased his impressive arsenal of moves, it didn’t matter in the end, as Wildcard’s slyness and inclination for dirty tricks were too much for him. Brooks took the win thanks to a low blow and received the hatred of most of the crowd.

J-Master and “Wildcard” Mike Brooks exchange blows.

The fourth match involved Cassidy “El Amo del Aire” wrestling against Judas Cage, the general manager Mike Money’s new poster boy. It was a supremely physical match, as both are quite able to be considered great strikers, but Judas' experience and sheer brutality took the match, with his finisher “The Crucifixion”.  Mike Money made a good investment recruiting him.

Cassidy gets huge air on a moonsault

Judas Cage lands a dropkick on Cassidy

The fifth match pitted the Condor Tournament Champion Razor against one of the young promises of Catch, Alex Strong. Razor put his title on the line, a title that grants the owner an opportunity against any other champion in the company for their belts. This match had everything, dives, strikes, violence and a lot of technical prowess.  

Razor launches himself on to Alex Strong

But the highlight of the match was Alex Strong’s face-off against the referee Anibal, which ended with the Referee walking the third rope, assisted by Razor, and performing a splash on the young competitor. Razor capitalized with a Koji Clutch for the win.

Alex Strong has destruction on his mind as he prepares to send Razor flying

The Main Event featured the two strongest stables in Catch Argentino. 

Chenen Club, which includes the Maximum and Metropolitan Champions of Catch Argentino, Fackzilla and Adriano, aided by their referee Cabe and Adriano’s brother Dante. 

CLS, which includes Pandemia, Champion of Legion Nueva Era, Hunter, one of the toughest wrestlers on the circuit, Full Gas, one of the most skilled wrestlers on the circuit, and the enigmatic masked luchador Exodus.

This time around, Chenen Club had the numbers advantage, as they fought 4 vs 2, with Pandemia and Hunter representing CLS. This didn’t bode well for them, and as soon as the match started, Chenen Club attacked in force, attempting to overwhelm their opponents with sheer numbers.

Hunter and Pandemia had a great showing, attempting to fight off the Chenen Club, headbutting everything in their way. But in the end, both groups were attacked by Mike Money’s faction, “El Imperio Money”.

Mike Money, the GM, Judas Cage and their underlings “Los Fortunas” attacked the other stables with chairs and managed to clean house, with Money ending the event declaring that the only real stable in Argentina is “El Imperio Money.”

As always, Catch Argentino had a great event, with good matches and advancements to several of their stories.

Mario A. Mentasti

Wrestling enthusiast, videogame writer and pretty decent home cook.

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