Argentina’s Lucha Extrema closes the year with hard hitting no DQ brawl

Argentina’s biggest wrestling promotion did justice to its name, and it managed to close a year with an event that made Argentinian wrestling reborn. The Argentinian promotion’s event was a massive success, and the crowd attendance of more that 100 people witnessed the first steps of the change that is coming on the scene.

On a sunny afternoon, Reborn opened in a peculiar way. Under the charismatic commentary of Rob Dickinson and Laura Antùnez, the event began and the heat was already felt in the air. After an exciting introduction, the Campeon Indiscutido de Lucha Extrema, Benjamin Stolo, came out to give an announcement regarding his future. The wrestler who once was the biggest representative of Argentina worldwide, decided to vacate the championships that he has held for over 3 years and retire from professional wrestling. This decision was due to an injury he has that keeps him from wrestling. The crowd made him know that they appreciated his efforts, and he won a place in their hearts.

Benjamin Stolo relinquishes his title and retires from pro wrestling.

After a bittersweet start, the first match opened the show between the prospects with a bright future in the Division Juvenil. Dani Pixel and Hell Jack faced each other in a fast and frenetic contest, where both men outdid each other. After some minutes the match was dominated by Hell Jack thanks to some dirty tactics and his intelligence, but the crowd's support made Pixel wake up bit by bit. After an impressive sequence, Dani Pixel beat Hell Jack and became the number one contender to Doctor Plaga's championship, under chants from the crowd that rapidly liked Pixel's work. In this match the level of both competitors showed, and to no one's suprise in Lucha Extrema, was very high.

Hell Jack (right) and Dani Pixel prepare for battle.

The Division Juvenil opened the show, and followed it with a clear declaration. Los Hermanos O’Lenstein, Mark O’Lenstein and Duck O’Lenstein, entered the venue and the chants didn't wait. Mark's charisma and Duck's attitude made both guys have an euphoric entrance. Matheus and Alex Crowley's team entered separate, and they contrasted the attitude of their opponents. With the four men in the ring, the action was quick and strong. Matheus and Crowley got to sync up in various attacks, but the O'Lenstein brothers connection made them the dominant team in this contest. Duck was not allowed to enter thanks to Matheus and Mark’s resistance was not enough to stand up against the combined offense of his opponents. After a lethal combination, Mark was eliminated from the match, and Duck was left alone. The unfair 2-on-1 was interrupted by some internal conflicts in the other team, and after some building tension, Crowley gave Matheus a low blow and abandoned him in the middle of the ring to everyone's surprise, even Duck’s. Duck quickly eliminated Matheus, and the only ones standing in the ring were him and Alex Crowley. 

After some eye contact, both went back and forth and the sound of the impact of bodies hitting the canvas was felt by every person in the crowd. The end of the match was intense, but Duck recovered and got the advantage. After an inhuman effort, Duck got the victory for his team, and with the crowd at the top of their lungs they showed what the future holds for Lucha Extrema.

The O’Lenstein Brothers await their opponents in the tornado tag match.

After some high quality matches from the future of the division, the division’s biggest representative of the present, Doctor Plaga, came out to the ring, and with his championship in hand, he challenged anyone to step up to the plate. This sudden challenge was not answered by anyone, and Plaga started to ask even more, but with no response. Just when it appeared no one would answer Plaga’s challenge, a furious Angeloff jumped Plaga and attacked him from behind. The brutal attack was just the beginning, as Angeloff screamed for a referee to officiate the match. Doctor Plaga, unable to stand, tried to fight against his challenger, but it was not enough. Angeloff finished everything with a brutal move, and he won the championship he fought for so long. 

Matheus makes his entrance alone prior to competing in a tornado tag match.

A little 15 minutes break gave way to the second stage of the show, where the Federacion Argentina de Lucha champion (FAL), Jorge Lucero, put his title on the line against a wrestler that was making his Lucha Extrema debut. Cerberus entered and he seeked the gold that was in Lucero's waist. The match was one where each wrestler took out every move from their arsenal, and the attacks boosted the intensity bit by bit. Lucero and Cerberus had a match that the fans appreciated, and every attack was applauded and cheered. The FAL champion showed why that championship on his waist was not just a good looking belt and gave fight to a destructive Cerberus that was not going to fall that easily. Lucero's agility was a big problem for his opponent, but this agility was counterattacked with power and strength that drained the champ. The clash between these two wrestlers was one that left the crowd on the edge of their seats, hanging on to every second of this one. Crowd'support was a clear factor for Lucero to get up and recover, and with a definitive ending, the champ showed why he is one of the most important wrestlers in Argentina, retaining his championship in a succesful defense.

Jorge Lucero and Cerberus do battle.

The show continued with a heavyweight match that almost made the Lucha Extrema ring collapse. One of the pillars of this generation, Sky, made his entrance and introduced himself to a crowd that already knew him and cheered for his presence. Although the first claps were for him, his opponent, Juan Guzman got the crowd to support him quickly with his frenetic entrance. Both men were favorites, but just one was going to win. Juan Guzman showed experience and dominion against his opponent, and really got the better of him in some occasions. Both men's skills were surprising, and their height and weight did not keep from executing cruiserweight sequences and moves that surprised the Tolosa crowd. Their resistence and resilience was something to applaud, but even with all of his efforts, Guzman couldn't defeat a Sky that was in his home, and was defeated after a great match.

“Reborn” closed the show the best way possible. After years where Lucha Extrema was inactive, the crowd was looking for something to make them believe in the potential of Argentinian wrestling again. The main event of this show represented every bit of what Lucha Extrema was doing these past years, with the caracteristic quality that identified the brand. A reborn Chris Kasai got a great entrance, and the crowd fell to his feet. His opponent was not short on love from the crowd either. Malif's entrance was one that made something clear from the beginning. This match was going to be a manhunt. The bell sounded, and the size difference didn't matter. Kasai and Malif beat each other up with everything they had. They gave everything for the crowd and for themselves. The rising violence in the match was its biggest attraction, and the crowd that hoped for something like this, didn't hesitate for a second to cheer it.

This match was a no disqualification match, so there was no limits for anything these two men had in their twisted minds. Chairs, tables, chains and barbed wire. These were the elements of what we could consider resembling the first deathmatch in Argentina in the modern age. Kasai was punished by Malif and Malif was punished by Kasai. The brutal attacks didn't make them fall, instead, they were the fuel for their fire. Kasai and Malif were motivated to continue at all costs. The match didn't take long to turn personal, and the crowd answered, euphoric, to each strike, each move and each gesture. The noise of the tables and chairs hitting against the bodies of the involved men gave more intensity to a match that was going to be won by the strongest competitor. And under the crowd's support, the hopes of the fans, and the almost certain defeat, Chris Kasai defeated Malif and got the victory in a brutal match.

Chris Kasai takes to the air to hit the Best Moonsault Ever in the midst of a violent no disqualification match.

“Reborn” was, from beginning to end, a statement of every person involved in Lucha Extrema. They came back for their throne, and this time, they will stay for a long time. As its name indicates, this event made Argentinian wrestling reborn in La Plata, and showed that the undeniable quality of Lucha Extrema can, and will, revolutionize wrestling in Argentina. "Reborn" left something clear. Up until now, wrestling in Argentina needed a push from the biggest stars from the past, like Vicente Viloni and La Masa, but now that will not be neccesary, because the talent, the skill, the passion, and the presence of the new blood, will be more than enough.

Roman G. Faliani

I will make 177013 posts about wrestling because i can't do it. Yet.


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