New catch fetiche (voodoo wrestling) match posted featuring two of The Congo’s biggest stars

A new video of some Congolese catch action has been uploaded to YouTube. The video features two matches and both utilize the catch fetiche/voodoo wrestling style that has been made famous in the DRC.

The first match features two competitors that I’m unfamiliar with. Since the video description does not include the wrestlers from the opening match’s name, I unfortunately can’t provide them here. But the first match is a mixture of traditional pro wrestling style and catch fetiche. There is traditional pro wrestling offense and action mixed in with some magic.

The second match of the video features two of the DarC’s top stars that were covered in a previous piece here on WrestleMap, Queen Shakira and Satan Le Diable. This match features strictly voodoo wrestling and the use of magic against one’s opponent. In this match, Satan Le Diable competes in street clothes rather than in his traditional ring gear that can be quite imposing. The match appears to end in a no contest by referee’s decision after both competitors use magic on the referee, forcing him to dance around the ring. The use of magic on in ring officials is something that can be pretty common in the world of Congolese catch.

When discussing catch fetiche or voodoo wrestling in the past on the WrestleMap social media accounts, I have received some questions about what exactly I meant by voodoo wrestling and thought that sharing this match could serve as a good introduction to that style. While there can sometimes be more use of props in a voodoo wrestling match, or fetishes as they would be known in a situation where they are being used as an item to draw magic from, this match features the wrestlers conjuring up magic attacks without them.

One last recommendation while viewing the match, watch with the sound on so you can enjoy the reaction of the fans and the fanfare from the brass band on hand.


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