African bound Dr. Jimmy "Golden Boy" McDowell eyes victory during the Battleground world championship in Cameroon

From time immemorial, international pro wrestling talents have stormed many African nations to compete with our home based talents in Africa all in an effort to promote the grunt and groan game internationally and the coming of Dr. Jimmy McDowell, who hails originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, now the famous Pro Wrestling state of Florida would not be different.

The talented actor, producer, professional wrestler of over three decades, a dentist and a director is a man of many parts. Some call him “Jim of all trade and master of all” and I want to also believe in that saying. He started his pro wrestling career over thirty years ago and it baffles me how he manages as a dentist and also compete favorably as a professional, wrestling mostly in Florida where he is based and around the US states whenever there are events which has been constant for a while now.

Jimmy, who has the heritage of Benin Republic & Togo both in West Africa, by day runs his dental office while by night, he runs circles around his opponents in the wrestling ring dealing with them squarely. He has been privileged to compete over the years with world talented and internationally rated superstars like Buff Bagwell, The Barbarian, The Warlord (both of The Powers of Pain tag team), Super Crazy, The Nature Boy Paul Lee, Chic Donovan, Pablo Marquez, Mo, Twin Towers and so on. So he does not see Cameroonian “L’animal” Alain Tazo as a threat having dealt with world rated grapplers.

“The Golden Boy” Jim McDowell, the AIWF Golden Age current heavyweight champion and titleholder, is ready to storm Africa on July 22nd, 2023 in an effort to showcase the hard stuff he is made of. He has also been training to prepare for his coming to Africa for the first time. Animal too has doubled his training as he claims that he may not be a legend as The Golden Boy coming from the USA, but the title is his legacy as a young talented African grappler.

“I am a raw talent. I may not have the international experience of the Golden Boy who received training in the USA but then, I am an African made. Black means Power in Africa and I want Golden Boy to get this straight. I have dreamt about this over two years, have been patiently working on it and this is the set time. I have been training in the morning, evening and at night. I have also engaged in training in the sun, in the rain, on the valley, on the mountain and among the toughest and roughest all in an effort to get prepared for the World Wrestling Heavyweight Title fight tagged: “BATTLEGROUND 2023,” L’animal commented.

Talented and industrious, Jim’s double passions started when he was a young child growing up in Arkansas. His pro-wrestling career started after starting four years in college while playing American football. He tried out for the USFL and NFL afterwards before he attended the dental school and he has been a dentist and pro wrestler for over 30 years. He has been privileged to travel nationally and internationally. He has wrestled against and trained with world rated wrestlers from CCW, WWE, NWA, WCW AIWF, GWF and so on.

Olusesan Olukoya

Lagos, Nigeria. +2348090532403, (Mobile and WhatsApp)

He is an African pro wrestling Manager, Promoter, Columnist, Publisher, Crusader and Activist. He has been propagating African pro wrestling for over three decades and has visited almost all the African nations that have the semblance of professional wrestling likewise Europe and USA. He runs Pro Wrestling Afrik Promotions Ltd., a wrestling company that is the African link to the pro -wrestling world. Olusesan is also he is the Secretary General of the Pro Wrestling Africa (PWA), the syndicate that serves as the mouth piece of the game in Africa and also represents the interest of the continent of Africa internationally.


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