Nigerian pro wrestling legend Morris Atula to sponsor amateur wrestling championship

Morris Atula, who started wrestling at age fourteen when it was newly introduced into the Nigerian nation by Coach Mike Bamidele, the former World light heavyweight wrestling champion also known as African Tiger, was among the first group of wrestlers that started the sport in Nigeria and has indeed contributed a quota to wrestling development in Nigeria and at the International level considering his unfailing support to the development of the sport.

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Morris, who will be sponsoring the Morris Atula Cadet Amateur Wrestling Championship, scheduled to hold at the Sam Ogbemudia Stadium, Benin City, Edo State from Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st July, 2021, was full of excitement during the interview session. Morris was a great amateur wrestler in his day as he won several laurels and awards during his amateur wrestling career as a trainer in Niger State where he pioneered the wrestling sport.

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‘’I have reasons for deciding to sponsor the timely championship. My reason for sponsoring the Morris Atula Cadet Wrestling in Benin, Edo State is basically a motive of identifying with the young talents at the school level and grooming them to excel in sports. I also want to see to the enduring legacy of the "catch them young" philosophy and project as it is also a life fulfilling career seeing the involvement of school kids and youths in sport and beyond the tournament period, they would definitely become elite young athletes by taking part in competitions and regular training from their tender ages’’ explained Morris.

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Morris, who graduated as a wrestling coach in 1979 at the National institute for Sports (NIS) at age 19, established wrestling in Niger State and groomed many young talents, among which was Emeka Obidinma Kenton, a director at the Anambra State Sports Council currently. Those young talents have excelled to the ranks of Sports Director in various Nigeria states now.

Morris, who had his professional wrestling debut in Portland, Oregon USA in 1982, won the world wrestling light heavyweight wrestling championship in 1986 and defended his title worldwide and retired undefeated. Currently based in the UK, Morris has been contributing back to sports for what sports have given him over the years by dedicating his life to promoting sustainable sports development projects across the board. He is the CEO of: the Multi Sports Academy of London, Modern Independent Learning Academy of London, 1st Healthcare Ltd in London, 1st World Boxing Club, Ijegun project in Lagos, Nigeria, Morris Atula Cadet Wrestling Club Benin project in Edo State, Nigeria, Pro World Wrestling Federation (PWWF) and international body set up to regulate wrestling and the JB Atula Charity.

Morris’s graduation ceremony from the University of Greenwich with a higher 2nd class Degree in Health and Social Care, completed at the age of 60 to cap it all off.

Morris’s graduation ceremony from the University of Greenwich with a higher 2nd class Degree in Health and Social Care, completed at the age of 60 to cap it all off.

Over the years, Multitalented Morris has organized a series of events such as the Isa Yuguda 19 Northern States Wrestling Championship, Nigeria @ 50 International Marathon held in Abuja to mark the Nigerian Millennium celebration, 1st National Music Championship held in Lagos at the Union Bank sports complex, Surulere, Lagos, and a host of other sporting events.

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Morris during his active days as a pro wrestler

Morris once said that Sports is his life and in truth and indeed, this has been affirmed by his actions over the years.

Olusesan Olukoya

Lagos, Nigeria. +2348090532403, (Mobile and WhatsApp)

He is an African pro wrestling Manager, Promoter, Columnist, Publisher, Crusader and Activist. He has been propagating African pro wrestling for over three decades and has visited almost all the African nations that have the semblance of professional wrestling likewise Europe and USA. He runs Pro Wrestling Afrik Promotions Ltd., a wrestling company that is the African link to the pro -wrestling world. Olusesan is also he is the Secretary General of the Pro Wrestling Africa (PWA), the syndicate that serves as the mouth piece of the game in Africa and also represents the interest of the continent of Africa internationally.


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