Denmark’s BODYSLAM! crowns first women’s champion

This past Saturday, Denmark’s BODYSLAM! Pro Wrestling held a women’s wrestling showcase at Absalon in Copenhagen. Some of Europe’s top female pro wrestlers were in action on the card including Maria De La Rosa, Heidi Katrina, Sixt, Ayesha Raymond, Regina Rosendahl, Emersyn Jayne, Calypso, Betty Rose, Aliss Ink, Lexi Luxx, Gaya Glass and more.

The competitors in BODYSLAM!’s female wrestling showcase. Image courtesy of the BODYSLAM! Instagram page.

Perhaps the highlight of the event was BODYSLAM! crowning their first ever women’s champion. The inaugural champion was decided in a match between Emersyn Jayne and Aliss Ink. Aliss had previously been undefeated in BODYSLAM! and is the 2021 winner of the Scandigraps Invitational Tournament where she was the only woman to compete and outlasted all of the men. So somewhat shockingly, Emersyn Jayne was able to topple Aliss Ink in order to become the first BODYSLAM! Women’s Champion and the only women’s division champion in Denmark. Congratulations to Emersyn Jayne on her historic accomplishment!

Emersyn Jayne is awarded with the title belt after her victory over Aliss Ink. Image courtesy of Emersyn Jayne’s Instagram page.


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