Video: World Wrestling Congo training session exhibition bout

We have been able to get some really great access to the formation and startup of World Wrestling Congo. Dix-Francs, a Congolese wrestler who had previously competed in South Africa for several years, returned to his home country and started his own pro wrestling group. Dix-Francs is also serving as the head trainer for the club. This past Sunday, word from the WWC is that Congolese wrestling legend Shaolin stopped in. Shaolin is now based in Belgium and runs the Belgian pro wrestling company Brussels Young Wrestling Style. We have discussed Shaolin and the BYWS in the past, for their role in establishing and sanctioning a number of title belts in the Congo. Shaolin isn’t the only big name that’s stopped by at WWC camp so far, as Zombi De Kibambi, the holder of one of those aforementioned titles introduced by the BYWS, has graced the training grounds at Melodrome Stadium in Kinshasa as well.

Aside from the big visit from Shaolin, the WWC has also provided us with some exclusive footage of a training session bout that took place between Dix-Francs and WWC wrestler, Rey Diable. You can check the video out below!


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