Wrestler turns opponent into a goat in catch fetiche match

About a week ago, we shared a catch fetiche match between Queen Shakira and Satan Le Diable to give an example of what a match that strictly used catch fetiche or voodoo wrestling tactics could look like. The reaction to that post was pretty good and after coming across another interesting catch fetiche match, it seemed like it made sense to share it here on the site.

In this match, Lipasa takes on a female opponent that isn’t named in the video description and unfortunately we don’t recognize, so we aren’t able to provide a name. Lipasa is one of the Congo’s more popular wrestlers which is pretty apparent based on the crowd reactions he gets throughout the match. The match starts out with a few exchanges of traditional pro wrestling offense and then moves to more of a catch fetiche style as the match progresses. After some back and forth magic exchanges, Lipasa is able to force his opponent into a coffin. A couple minutes later, Lipasa’s opponent is gone and in her place is a baby goat. Upon seeing that Lipasa has turned his opponent into a goat, the referee awards Lipasa with the victory..

There is a brief interview segment before the match. Unfortunately, we were unable to understand what was being discussed, though the subject of the interview does use the word “shégué” multiple times which is a word used in the DRC that means “street children.” Perhaps in this case they were discussing the street children’s love for Congolese wrestling. Either way, we shouldn’t assume but we do recommend watching the match with the sound on, as we always do when it comes to Congolese wrestling. The crowd’s excitement and the brass band fanfare always livens up a good Congolese wrestling match and adds so much to the atmosphere.

As for Lipasa’s opponent, it’s unclear if we will be seeing her in action again. That all depends on if Lipasa, or someone else, is able to change her back to her human form.


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