Fun title opportunity available to wrestlers all around the world

Belgium’s Wanderer Kombat Federation and the associated Revue Du Catch Belge/Africain (Belgian and African Wrestling Review) Facebook group are offering a fun title opportunity to wrestlers all over the world during the Covid lockdown period. The WKF is reintroducing their Internet Title. The idea behind the title’s reintroduction is to provide the spirit of competition to wrestlers around the world who are currently unable to compete in the ring due to Covid restrictions that are currently in place.

Early mock up of the title belt at stake

Early mock up of the title belt at stake

In order to qualify for consideration of the title, the WKF asks that you provide either a video of yourself in action or if videos are not possible, photos will do. From there, a jury associated with the WKF and the Revue will select one winner to represent the WKF as its Internet Champion. From there, the winner is then free to defend the title as they see fit. However, the WKF asks that the title defenses are documented via the Internet in some way, explaining the reasoning behind the title’s name. The fact that the title holder can be anywhere in the world is consistent with the “wanderer” aesthetic that the WKF practices. The WKF has promised to ship the belt to any country in the world and has done so in the past, recently shipping a belt that they provided to World Wrestling Congo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In order to be considered for the WKF’s Internet Title, submission can be made through email to or can be posted directly to the Revue Du Catch Belge/Africain Facebook group. The deadline for submissions is June 20, 2021 and the WKF Internet Champion will be announced on July 1, 2021.

Good luck to all the wrestlers that put their name in for consideration!




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