This new match on YouTube could be a good introduction to the catch fetiche style

Congo Canal 26 is an excellent resource for Congolese pro wrestling. The channel recently released a match between Assassin Du Ring and Zeboul that could serve as a great introduction to fans that haven’t seen much of Congolese pro wrestling or catch fetiche but want to give the style a try. The bout starts out with some solid traditional pro wrestling in the Congolese style. Eventually, the two combatants begin to use catch fetiche techniques and target each other’s…umm…nether regions. In a lot of catch fetiche matches, once the mysticism begins, the traditional pro wrestling goes out the window. But that’s not the case here as the two wrestlers go back and forth between the two styles. In the end, Assassin Du Ring comes out on top as the result of a knockout victory which is a common form of victory in Congolese catch.

The catch fetiche in this one isn’t too over the top so it could be a good match for new viewers to be introduced to the style and get familiar with what to expect in these types of matches. Jumping into a match that leans more heavily on catch fetiche can be a little confusing if you’ve never seen this style of pro wrestling before. After you finish this match and get a better understanding of the style, definitely click around on the Congo Canal 26 YouTube for more Congolese catch!


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